Thursday, December 15, 2016


The things that i like about this class is that, Mr. Haymore has the ability to help you on the problem you have. Another thing that i like about the class is that if you need to use a computer or if you are stuck on any homework the computer class is the tool to look for help and never give up on finishing your work in HPIAM's Computer class. 

The things that I don't like about Exploring Computer Science is that we have to type a lot and when we type I like it but at the same time i don't because I feel that my thoughts that i have to right are not good for the objective that Mr. Haymore is looking for in the comment that he puts on the post. 

Some recommendations that I will give to the class is to never give up on the work and the effort Mr. Haymore puts on the work for the class. Also think on the benefit that you are going to do and that will help you in a better future for you and your family that you are willing to make when you get older.

The Highlight that i made in Exploring Computer Science is that to always have your stuff ready and have an attitude to work so that you will have the ability to have the future that you are willing to have with all your family members and maybe have a couple of friends come and have a nice diner.

To be honest at times I did my best but at times i felt that I was lacking to much with all my work and even though I made every post on my E-Post, I felt that i was not giving everything that i had to be a good student in the class and finishing my work.

The truth is that since i have been having alot of homework i rearly have time to read my Life Planning Note Book or record on the E-Post.

Yes I feel that at times i can be a CTR person but at times i have 

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