Monday, September 26, 2016


When I was living in Mexico with my mom, uncle and aunt, my aunt's family was also living in the same apartments as we were. So one day that we were eating at my aunt;s mom's house, my uncle was talking with my grandpa and all of a sudden my grandpa fainted, and it was a good thing that my uncle was near him or else he would've fallen to the floor. But right after my grandpa fainted on my uncle's arms we laid him down on the couch to see if he would answer us, but the only thing that he could do was hum to the questions that we were asking him, while the ambulance came for him, to take him to the hospital. Before the ambulance came to my grandpa's house my uncle asked him " Mr. Ale can you hear me? Where does it hurt?. But the my grandpa's answered was "UHHHH". Once the ambulance came to the apartment, they took him to the hospital to check him and see what had happened to him and if his blood or anything was wrong with his body. For 6 weeks or so the whole family was at the hospital to wait for my grandpa to wake up from the comma that he had fallen, after they made him a surgery of his heart. 

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